Water: The consummate purpose of the District is to provide quality water service to its customers. Water is supplied by fourteen District owned wells. All water is tested regularly to insure that our customers receive the safest drinking water possible. A summary of these test results is included in our Annual Water Quality Report, a copy of which is included in this informational packet.

Water Billing Procedures: Water meters are read during the first full week of each month. Bills are processed and mailed by the tenth of each month. All Bills are due upon receipt with a grace period of the 5th of the following month. Late charges and penalties are promptly applied on the 6th. In the event that the 5th falls on a weekend or Holiday, your Bill will be due the next business day.

Pay Your Bill Online: To pay your bill online, and view your water use and payment history, logon to www.ghcsd.com. You will need your account number and the amount of your last payment in order to register for this service. Payments may be made with your Visa or MasterCard or your debit card with a Visa or MasterCard logo on it. Our credit card processing company will charge you a fee of $1.25 for each transaction. Pay here


All roads within the District, with the exception of tract 3366, are maintained by Kern County. The roads in tract 3366 are maintained by the individual property owners. The dirt roads in the northern portion of the District and Tracts 2334, 2484, and 2529 are the responsibility of the property owners.


Many lots within the District have drainage easements. Property owners are responsible for maintaining these easements. These easements must be kept free of all structures, debris and other obstructions that may hinder natural water flow